Dual discount rate ‘piles pressure’ on seriously injured

Published: 12th April 2023

Are you a victim of an accident who is suffering from serious injuries? If so, it might be time to start worrying. The UK Government has proposed changes to the way damages for future loss are calculated which could have a drastic impact on your financial situation – and not in a good way. This new system, known as the dual-discount rate scheme piles pressure onto Claimants by using two separate rates rather than one. In this blog post, we will explain what this change means for people who have suffered personal injury and highlight why it’s such bad news – giving you all the information you need to decide whether to act now or wait and see how things progress.

A recent suggestion by the Ministry of Justice to apply different rates of return on damages for future loss depending on the length of the future loss is likely to disadvantage the most seriously injured and make settling claims far more complex. In reality the changes being explored would mean an injured claimant having to take greater risks to invest their damages to make sure they have enough money to meet their needs throughout their lifetime.

So if you have been seriously injured and concerned about how government policies may affect your ability to recover damages compensation, read on!

  1. Overview of the UK Government’s proposed changes to the way damages for future loss is calculated
  2. Explanation of how the dual discount rate will ‘pile pressure’ on those who have suffered serious personal injury
  3. Discussion of why this could be devastating for people with long-term care needs, disabilities or disabilities resulting from an injury
  4. Analysis of how insurance companies could benefit from the changes
  5. Look at how claimants could suffer in the long term if compensation awards are reduced

Overview of the UK Government’s proposed changes to the way damages for future loss is calculated

The UK Government has put forward a proposal to change the way future loss is calculated in the country. This is a serious matter and requires careful consideration. The current system has been in place for many years, but the government believes it is time for a change. The proposed changes will impact those who suffer from long-term injuries or illnesses, and it is important that their needs are taken into account. The government is committed to ensuring that the new system is fair and transparent, and it will work closely with stakeholders to achieve this goal. It is essential that everyone affected by these proposals has a say, and their opinions are taken into account before any final decisions are made.

Explanation of how the dual discount rate will ‘pile pressure’ on those who have suffered serious personal injury

The dual discount rate is a complex concept in the world of personal injury claims, but its impact on those who have suffered serious personal injury cannot be ignored. This rate, which determines the amount of compensation awarded in such cases, has recently been lowered to reflect present-day economic conditions. While this may seem like a positive change, it actually piles pressure on those already struggling to cope with the aftermath of their injuries. The lowered rate means that victims will receive less compensation than previously, making it even more difficult for them to access the necessary resources for recovery. It’s important for all parties involved to understand the far-reaching consequences of the dual discount rate, and to work towards ensuring fair and just compensation for those who have suffered personal injury.

Discussion of why this could be devastating for people with long-term care needs, disabilities or disabilities resulting from an injury

For those with long-term care needs, disabilities or disabilities resulting from an injury, the potential devastation of certain situations cannot be overstated. Everyday activities that many take for granted – bathing, dressing, eating – could become impossible without the help of caregivers. An injury, illness or loss of a caregiver can quickly disrupt routines and support systems that have been carefully arranged, leaving many vulnerable individuals in uncharted waters. As a society, it is crucial that we place significant importance on providing robust and reliable support systems for those with long-term care needs and disabilities, to ensure that these individuals are not left without the assistance they need to live fulfilling lives.

Analysis of how insurance companies could benefit from the changes

As the world evolves, insurance companies need to stay on top of the changes to remain competitive. One of the most significant changes in recent years has been the explosive growth of technology, which has unleashed a whole range of new opportunities for the industry. By embracing these new technologies, insurance companies can improve their operational efficiency, customer service and product offerings, thus opening up new revenue streams. However, technology also brings with it new risks, and insurers will need to be proactive in identifying and mitigating these risks in order to protect their customers, reputation and bottom line. In conclusion, insurance companies that are prepared to adapt to the changes brought about by technology will be better positioned to thrive in today’s rapidly changing business environment.

Look at how claimants could suffer in the long term if compensation awards are reduced

When compensation awards are reduced, the impact can be devastating for those affected. Claimants may suffer in the long term, struggling to cover medical costs, lost wages, and other expenses. As a result, they may be forced to make difficult choices, such as delaying necessary medical treatment or cutting back on basic necessities in order to make ends meet. The consequences of reducing compensation awards can be far-reaching and profound, affecting not just the individuals directly involved, but also their families and communities. It’s important to consider the human cost when making decisions that impact compensation, and to ensure that claimants are fairly and justly compensated for their losses.

Litigation is complex enough. The simplicity and transparency of the current system is far better than what is under consideration. Especially at a time where the government is making the risks that Claimant’s have to bear far greater through other changes to the rules that govern litigation.

If you have been injured and are considering making a claim, contact Liddy’s Solicitors today for advice. We will be able to guide you through the process and help ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve.