Solicitor News

Read the latest news about Liddy’s Solicitors, together with updates on the personal injury, clinical negligence and conveyancing sectors.

Wakefield Man Recovers £50,000 In Damages After Being Knocked Down

Published on 19th May 2015

Liddy’s Solicitors helped a young man to secure a £50,000 compensation payment after he was injured when he was hit by a car. The young man was...


Liddy’s Solicitors’ Recommended Property Services Suppliers

Published on 26th August 2014

If you are buying a new home in the Yorkshire area or are investing in a buy-to-let or commercial rental property, you are likely to need some...


Wakefield Woman Recovers Damages for Burns Suffered on Flight

Published on 28th February 2014

Liddy’s Solicitors helped a Wakefield woman to claim damages after she suffered second degree burns while traveling to Alicante by air for her 50th wedding anniversary. A...


Wakefield Man Settles His Claim Against a Local Hospital for £30,000

Published on 11th February 2014

A Wakefield man suffered very severe damage to his pancreas, when a drain was incorrectly removed from his abdomen such that it tore a hole in his...


Wakefield Woman Receives Over £260,000 in Damages

Published on 9th January 2014

Our client fell whilst ice skating, breaking her right wrist. She attended Pinderfields Hospital where the fracture was pinned and plated. Unfortunately, one of the pins was...


100,000 People A Month ‘Put At Risk By Medical Errors’

Published on 17th November 2013

More than 100,000 patients are put at risk of harm by mistakes in their treatment each month in England and Wales, according to official statistics. Clinical negligence...


Liddy’s Speaks Out Against Government Attack on Human Rights

Published on 29th October 2013

Wakefield and Barnsley-based personal injury and clinical negligence specialist Liddy’s Solicitors has this week hit out at the Government’s seemingly systematic attack on people’s human rights following...


Liddy’s Lambast Loophole in the Law

Published on 3rd May 2013

Liddy’s Solicitors is backing the Bridge the Gap campaign, which has been launched to raise awareness of current loopholes in the law, which put dental patients at...


Delay to Small Claims Court Decision on Personal Injury Claims

Published on 3rd May 2013

Update on issue of Government’s decision to raise the Small Claims Court limit for personal injury claims. The news was welcomed this week which announced that a...


Liddy’s Solicitors Explain Changes to Civil Procedure Rules

Published on 23rd April 2013

Earlier this year the Civil Procedure Rules Committee approved the 60th update to the Civil Procedure Rules. Here Liddy’s Solicitors of Barnsley and Wakefield explain the implications...


Solicitors Rally to Help Warn of Small Claims Court Issues

Published on 15th April 2013

A recent news report from APIL details a press campaign aided by APIL members that has helped to highlight in regional newspapers the Government’s proposals to raise...


Reports Suggest Legal Duty of Candour Will Be Accepted

Published on 15th April 2013

If reports in the Times, Daily Mail and Health Service Journal that Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt is about to announce that he will accept the recommendation from...


APIL Warns of Insurer’s Advantage in Small Claims Court

Published on 21st March 2013

In a recent article featured on an APIL newsletter, the organisation outlined how its campaign against proposals to raise the small claims court limit has been continuing...


Liddy’s Solicitors Expands into Barnsley

Published on 20th February 2013

Respected personal injury and clinical negligence firm Liddy’s Solicitors has expanded from Wakefield and opened a new office in Barnsley. The new premises are situated on Regent...


Judicial Review Challenges Government Decision

Published on 15th February 2013

The Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL) and the Motor Accident Solicitors Society (MASS) has issued a judicial review of the Secretary of State for Justice's decision...